Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-In: The Birthday Edition.

Happy Birthday to me...
Happy Birthday to me...
Happy Birthday to me...
Happy Birthday dear meeeeeeeeeeeeee
Happy Birthday to me.

I had a really nice birthday surprise on the scale this morning. I hadn't expected to see the numbers drop from the day before (I weigh first thing every day) as I ate a few too many two bite brownies yesterday. The scale gods were feeling gracious I guess.

SO. Here we are.

HW: 252.6 (Sept 30, 2012)
CW: 225.2 (-2.6 from last week)
GW: 140's
Height: 5'5
Age: 49 <---- There it is.

Very gratifying.

Two things which may have helped: I walked outside, in the cold, for about 50 minutes after supper. I also slept over eleven hours last night. Nothing helps me lose weight like sleep. Seriously.

Maybe it's because I do weigh myself every day but recording 225.6, here, as my "official" number feels weird. It's like the number isn't quite real. It could be a pound more tomorrow. It's so arbitrary to pick one number a week and say, there! That's what I weigh. Because it isn't. Not really.

Oops, sorry. I shouldn't have tried to explain it. I can't. Let's just say my mind is a very strange place.

We simply need consistent numbers to indicate a trend--and Wednesday's are it. Thank goodness I'm trending downwards.

Happy Birthday to me...
Happy Birthday to me...
Happy Birthday to me...
Happy Birthday dear meeeeeeeeeeeeee
Happy Birthday to me.

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